The story is based around an egotistical baseball player, "Lucky" Luke Valentine, who is sorely in need of redemption, particularly in the eyes of his sponsors, when his ego and womaniser ways consistantly hit the press. At the other end of the world, a small outback town rallies behind a little girl with leukemia and her father, Macka, who urgently need money. The world's collide when, as part of his manager's quirky PR exercise, Lucky finds himself in Australia joining the mis-matched group of town personalities as they compete in a state wide 20/20 cricket competition with over $100,000 prize money.
The story is full of laughter, tears and endearing personalities typical of outback Australia. It is produced by Bigger and Better Productions, and will star Roger Ward (Curly), Jay Anthony Franke (Lucky's Manager) , Hugh Keys-Burns(Wobbly Bob), Val Lehman (Ma), Cuba-Gooding Junior (Lucky Valentine) (in negotiation). For more details email or visit Lucky Valentine on Facebook for regular updates!